Does anyone know of any good queue reporting tools for call centers that integrates well with ThirdLane MTE. I understand we are probably going to have to do some coding to make anything close to perfect.
Thanks in advance!
What about Asternic? It looks
What about Asternic?
It looks like you can create users and assign them specific queues and agents.
As long as the root/admin user was kept out of customers, wouldn't this do the trick?
Also, it looks like iSymphony can do this? Can you quote me for install on when the time comes?
the asternic stats suck
the asternic stats suck pretty bad at reporting by comparison. The free version does not make use of usernames, and according to the website, the paid-for version has so few extra's it hardly seems to justify the cost. What I find hard to believe is that his demo is of the crappy free version. You would think his online demo would be of the for-sale version.
isymphony isnt a statistic tool. It will report to you what it remembers but only for the duration that the client is running.
queuemetrics for STE
nothing good for MTE. Theres only 1 queue_log. Putting everyones call logs in a single file and not being able to isolate them from the reporting tool will put you in CPNI violation with the FCC.