is there a way to hide the vtiger link in MTE, none or our tenants use it (and posts seem to say it doesn't work well under MTE)
thats just a consequence of
thats just a consequence of using an ISO lol
did you check usermenus.txt?
user menus
user menus allow you to add items/links to PBX Manager menu - q feature we also use for things like add-ons and vTiger.
vTiger is not installed by default in the latest versions. You can install it by:
yum install vtigercrm-ast-en
and it is marginally useful in MTE, but as you discovered - the link can be easily removed in System Settings -> Menu / Link Manager
Add Tenant Name to Link
Guys... I'm looking for a way to put just 1 entry in the System Settings -> Menu / Link Manager so that all tenants can see the link... but I need the link to have the tenant name in it? Is there a simple way to do this?
Other things to pass...
Sorry, I looked at this again... it would actually work best if I could pass the tenant name, current user login and password.
I'm just adding a link to the USER MENU and when the user clicks it will open in a new window... and if I can pass these 3 pieces of information it makes for a very seamless integration.
Unfortunately, this is just outside my area of expertise. I'm assuming that all 3 pieces of information I'm looking or are in the session variables... but I'm not sure which ones they are? Or how to properly incorporate that into the URL.
Thanks again.
i doubt you're going to be
i doubt you're going to be able to pass a password. Typically the password you type is encrypted and the two encrypted strings are compared to verify they match.
worse than well, it doesnt work at all, in fact adding the dash literally can cause completely unrelated modules to just stop working entirely.