Is it possible to put a call on hold or park the call if the called extension is busy? For example a calls comes in on a queue and then are transfered to an extension. The extension is busy and we dont want the call to end up in the voicemail. Instead we want the call to be parked and when the extension are available again the parked call will be forwarded to the extension.
Jörgen Andersson
Svenska IP-Telefonibolaget AB
Submitted by eeman on Thu, 03/31/2011
Submitted by diffen on Fri, 04/01/2011
that's not a standard feature of asterisk. you're definitely not going to be able to pull something like that off on MTE.
for starters if you park a call and it rings you back and you dont answer it, you could lose that call. So you're really looking at some bazaar queueing design where every damn extension has their own queue. So right off the bat you're talking about a lot of resources that wont scale in an MTE setting, but you could pull off in an STE setting.
In an STE setting you could give every extension their own queue where the sip extension is a static member of that queue. You could use a pattern convention like 5+extension# to transfer them to that queue. I havent checked into the possibility of using numerals as queue names so there could be more technical hurdles than a simple pattern like Queue(${MACRO_EXTEN:1})