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Day Night Mode Wait...

Posted by IVSCOMM on Mon, 08/08/2011

Is there a way to change the day night procedure so we do not have to wait for the tone? It is really quite annoying.

Submitted by eeman on Tue, 08/09/2011 Permalink

thats the problem with Macro(). When you attempt to use Background() to capture DTMF it sends it to the context that called the Macro instead of inside the macro itself. This means that it would give you the 'im sorry thats not a valid extension' error. The only macro-method of collecting DTMF is using Read() followed by a Goto statement to send it to the appropriate function. After 1.6 they supported sending arguments to the GoSub command as a replacement for Macro, however this is currently not integrated into thirdlane. Feature extensions all write out with the Macro application.