Occasionally we come across a user that reports voicemails sent to email play at a nearly inaudible volume. It's never across an entire tenant and seems to be on a per user basis. These users try multiple applications to listen to these messages with the same results. Any ideas?
Submitted by eeman on Thu, 11/24/2011
Submitted by escherrer on Thu, 11/24/2011
I actually listened to one of
I actually listened to one of them on my pc and I had to turn my volume up to max to hear it.
Submitted by eeman on Thu, 11/24/2011
if the volume is consistently
if the volume is consistently low you can mess with your input gain or volume recording gain of the voicemail looking for the value volgain=
if its completely inconsistent it is probably the caller's output gain.. turning up volgain will create an issue were some recordings are too loud.
do they sound ok when you listen to them? perhaps a localized issue of their PC?