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Upgrade Asterisk 1.4.35 to 1.6

Posted by quenio on Mon, 03/05/2012


At my new job, I inherited a SwitchVox 65 running Asterisk 1.4.35. I recently deployed Microsoft Lync 2010 with my environment which went seamless. My plans are to integrate Asterisk with Lync, in order to accomplish this, I am required to upgrade Asterisk to 1.6 in order to support TCP.

We only use the PBX box for fax-to-email and DIDs, nothing fancy like call parking etc. I have search the web far and wide and have yet to come across any straight forward walk through/run book to up my digium box to 1.6 while maintaining all my modules and scripts.

Any assistance you can provide would certainly be appreciation, thanks in advance.

Submitted by eeman on Tue, 03/06/2012 Permalink

you do realize the documentation dialplan for 'integration' says write a pattern that sends EVERYTHING to the lync server right? your phones cant register with swichvox, they have to register directly to lync. That means every single REAL feature you depend on (hunt lists, queues, voicemail, dial-by-name directory, intercom, speaker-page, etc) all that shit is gone because SIP/107 no longer exists on your asterisk box. Its not integration in the least sense. Its about as much 'integration' as the Nazi's 'integrated' Jews in 1939 by putting them into special work camps.

if that crap really wanted to 'integrate' they would have written a connection to the AMI and controlled the phones that way.

BTW 1.6 is end of life, you'll need to install 1.8 if you want to get fixes to known bugs.

Submitted by quenio on Tue, 03/06/2012 Permalink


Thanks for responding so promptly. I have read most of your post and I must say, you hold no bars on your sarcasism. Needless to say, I may have posted my question with a little more information than neccessary to meet end. I agree with you regarding the current design of Lync and its lack of true integration with IP PBX. However, let me make this clear, I do not seek to replace my PBX box, I only sought to upgrade it so I can pass calls back and forth from Lync clients to my IP PBX phones. Hence, the current shit I rely on will still be kept in place.

Thanks for recommending 1.8, I still need to know how to properly upgrade without breaking anything.

I look forward to your prompt response, thanks in advance.

Submitted by eeman on Tue, 03/06/2012 Permalink

the switchvox OS is a very closed system. They dont even let you gain access to the root prompt. You would have to upgrade SwitchvoxOS through their infrastructure if thats what you have. Are you sure this is a switchvox AA65 and not something else. There was a company out of new york fraudulently selling Thirdlane on AA65 hardware. Their name is EUS Networks. Theyve been reported for this fraud as well as some other underhanded behaviors. They were buying cold spare's of switchvox AA65 appliance and reformatting it and sticking thirdlane on there. I made Digium aware as it was causing a very large amount of chaos for the good people at digium. Companies were led to believe they had a Switchvox product, something thats completely different from thirdlane, and were getting upset that Digium was refusing to help. EUS even went as far as to call their support plans 'gold, silver, platinum' just as Switchvox does. I have also been told by several consulting customers that EUS Network also sold a false bill of goods for support and then refused to deliver on sold service.