Hi Everyone.
I have a slight issue with the FROM portion of the emails sent when you receive a fax. Currently it sends out faxes and it shows that the fax is sent from the person the fax is meant for. So I see all my faxes being sent from myself. How can I change this to be from MY COMPANY for all people across the board?
Is it this line in fax2pdf.sh ???
/usr/local/sbin/sendEmail -f "$EMAILFROM" -t "$EMAILADDR" -u "fax from $FAXSENDER" -m "$BODY" -a ${FAXFILE}.pdf -o message-charset=UTF-8 -q
If it is this line, what change would I need to make?
Thanks a lot!
Submitted by eeman on Tue, 04/17/2012
look in the same file for where EMAILFROM is being set