Our customers would like to be able to confirm calls when using CF/FMFM.
The problem is when one of the calls goes to voice mail...like if a cellular phone is off or out of range.
Levels of sofistication:
low - enable feature for all numbers - user has to press '1' to receive the call
medium - be able to turn call confirmation on/off per number
high - be able to assign a password to each number - keep your kids from answering the phone
FreePBX 2.4 has added this.
This would be a very usefull
This would be a very usefull feature. any news on whether a Macro or similar is available to achieve the "press 1 to accpet this call" screening feature from FreePBX?
Call Confirmation with Forward/Find Me Folow Me
Give me a call to discuss, or shoot me an email with more details.
The Followme feature in 1.4 Does just this. Calls a multitude of numbers in either a step call or simutaniuosly and play a 1 to accept 2 to decline meassge when the callee answers. We have tested this extensivly and it works quite well
Chris A
Chris, Seeing it in FreePBX
Seeing it in FreePBX was my inspiration.
Glad to hear they got it right.
Hi All,
I don't have a script, as I have not tried this with thirdlane. all our installs with it are on a plain asterisk install, must be 1.4.x
exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,n,NoOp(${CALLERID(all)})
exten => s,n,Followme(${EXTEN})
exten => s,n,VoiceMail(u${EXTEN})
exten => s,n,Hangup
context => from-internal
music => default-thirdlane
number => 2481234567,30
number => 2489876543,30
In this senario the numbers are dialed 1 after the other, if you want dual ringing it would look like this
number => 2481234567&2489876543,30
All information for the 1 to accept and 2 to decline are found in followme.conf
Really simple and nice. It would be great if you could store the numbers in the ASTdb, it is supposed to be that way in 1.6
Chris A
Any further on this?
This is a feature that we would dearly like to see in PBX Manager. We are constantly losing calls to answerphones as a user goes out of signal range for a moment - the caller gets dumped into a mobile answerphone where their message is not often found promptly.
Please can we see this as a feature in the next release - does anyone have a workaround that we can use in the interim?
Time Of Day
How about adding in time of day functionality also. Ex. This only works during business hours from 8 to 5 while the client is working or whatever hours you enter.
You could easily tie Find Me
You could easily tie Find Me Follow Me to a schedule. That is a good idea.
Another Vote for this
This would be such a good addition to Thirdlane - can I add a vote for this in the next release please? It would really change the way I use (and rely upon) hunt groups.
Thanks in advance!
Geoff Tothill.
This would be a great addition. Good thought!!!
Chris A