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Networking Option

Posted by ipfreely on Sun, 11/11/2007

An asterisk to Asterisk Network Option via SIP or IAX2 should be provided, in which a numbering plan and trunk connectivity should be automatically configured.

Chris A

Submitted by George on Thu, 11/29/2007 Permalink

Chris A

We use a server out from of the Astrick servers running Open SER, it sends the traffic to the configured server..

AND routes traffic to the right server for in network calling..

or you talking about something different..?


this is weird.. a dupe post..

Submitted by George on Thu, 11/29/2007 Permalink

Chris A

We use a server out from of the Astrick servers running Open SER, it sends the traffic to the configured server..

AND routes traffic to the right server for in network calling..

or you talking about something different..?


Submitted by dozment on Fri, 11/30/2007 Permalink

George, first of all I want to thank you and others who are giving feedback on this forum. I've been using TL Multi Tenant for about a year now, and there were times when I felt like I was on a deserted island. It's great to have a community to discuss this stuff.

I think what the OP is asking here is similar to what I was looking for with my tenant to tenant trunk post the other day. He is trying to connect server to server while I'm trying to connect tenant to tenant. There is probably more rationale for doing server to server than what I was trying.

I think you are suggesting using SER as kind of a router to sit between the * servers. Is that correct? I thought IAX was created to facilitate Asterisk server to Asterisk server communications. If so, why do you need SER in the middle?


Submitted by George on Sat, 12/01/2007 Permalink

Dan, not a problem, and I know your pain as its been the same way here..

1 we use SIP only not AIX so I'm not sure if it would be different..

call comes in from the out side,, hits the SER box and is routed to the correct server,

out bound call hits the ser box and if in the system will be either routed back the same server OR to the other servers to the correct tenant..

if the call is staying with in our comunitty its not routed out to our provider and then back in..

it works for both tenant to tenant and arterisk to arterisk..

that make sense..?