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Fax for all Ext/DID's and email to fax

Posted by civey on Tue, 10/16/2012

Is there a way that all Ext will have a fax email if I put it in?

What I mean is if I have a customer with 10 Ext at there site with DID's for all Ext.
Is there a way for the system to try and detect fax first before ringing users phone so the user can use 1 number for both?

Thanks for the input

Also I am looking for a solution that will allow the users to use outlook or any email client and attach a .tiff or .pdf to the email and send faxes that way does anyone know of a way to do this?

Thanks for the help.

Submitted by eeman on Wed, 10/17/2012 Permalink

no, all those 'detect fax first' solutions that used to exist )(back in asterisk 1.2) were problematic, they often didnt work nearly as well as they should, and resulted in a lot of complaining about 4 seconds of silence before the first ring (waiting on fax tones). A more elegant solution is to have a separate DID for the fax2email address. DIDs are dirt cheap and shouldnt really cause a financial burden.

we created the webpage upload portal to avoid the security issues and burden of trying to make pbx managers suddenly have to become experts on running mail servers, dealing with the various DNS entries and reverse DNS entries for the machine, etc. There would also cause a requirement for the admin to now become experts of procmail scripting etc. Another issue I found was there was no mechanism to prevent misuse or limiting this to only authorized pbx users. There is also the additional requirement for leaving SMTP port 25 open to public access would also, inevitably, result in security and performance issues from a DoS attack.

the safest work-around was a place in the user portal were someone could upload their document and send a fax.

Submitted by civey on Wed, 10/17/2012 Permalink

Thanks for the reply.

I understand how this could be misused.