Is there a way to remove the + from numbers and/or include that in the dial plan and just strip it so that customers can just dial missed calls with a button rather than having to write the number down and then dial it?
Submitted by The Godfather on Mon, 12/03/2012
Submitted by eeman on Wed, 12/05/2012
why dont you just make an
why dont you just make an outbound pattern for _+1NXXNXXXXXX and send it out your trunk the way you do 11 digit patterns?
btw 'incoming' is not a thirdlane context.. where the hell did you get that?
Submitted by The Godfather on Wed, 12/05/2012
Yea thanks I already created
Yea thanks I already created the patterns. I got so caught up in trying to strip the + that I overlooked the easiest way around this which was the patterns.
Bump?! Need to know how to remove all PLUS signs from any inbound calls as this is causing a TON of issues. I have tried a few online dial plan fixes but nothing seems to work.
Something like this but it is not working.