Hey all;
I tried to register a Grandstream FXO to Thirdlane as a trunk , but failed. Grandstream configured the way i registers elastix server. But i cannot do anything about Thirdlane , just tried to configure as a sip server but gets these ERROR ;
[2013-04-01 15:19:32] WARNING[25201] chan_sip.c: Host '@***.***.*.***:5060' does not implement 'REGISTER'
[2013-04-01 15:19:32] NOTICE[25201] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for '*******@***.***.*.***' timed out, trying again (Attempt #53)
Cannot get any call or send a call ,i tried so many times. When i tried to register to as sip peer and got "fail" again.
i dont have any clue about how to solve this problem .
Thanks so much!
Submitted by ipfreely on Sun, 04/14/2013
Not an expert, but I think your error explains it. Trunks created in thirdlane are not looking for registration request, you would need to use an extension if you had to push registrations, or have the trunk register to you rather than the gw to the Pbx.