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DND doesnt show on a VVX500 Polycom phone

Posted by hel10z on Sun, 12/15/2013


We use a Polycom VVX500 as our handsets.
The receptionist on her phone can see the directors name as a BLF.
The issue is the director has set the phone to DND but she cant see on the Polycom phone or on the BLF that the director has set the phone to DND
Is there a way for the DND to display on her phone so she doesnt transfer calls?
Is there also a way if she does sent the call and he is on DND, it doesnt ring and goes straight to vociemail then teh person can leave a voicemail?

Thank you


Submitted by Frank B on Mon, 12/16/2013 Permalink

Hi Helio,

The issue here is that the DND button on Polycom phones is handled entirely from within the phone itself. On invites it call forwards to itself so calls go straight to voicemail. Thus, the PBX is completely unaware of the DND status of the phone and cannot convey presence status. To work around this limitation, you'd have to implement DND using feature codes, and train your users to not use the hard button. (We've checked but haven't found a way to change the behaviour of a hard button on a Polycom phone.)

Submitted by eeman on Wed, 01/01/2014 Permalink

great answer Frank. All DND phone settings do is return a 486 Busy Here message when called forcing dialplan to proceed to the next step.

The only exception to this is with Digium phones while using the DPMA module, as their presence feature will update status as part of the BLF. So you can set it to DND, or extended away, or away, or available etc.

in theory even if you got DND to show up as a busy light, it still would not tell you whether that person is willing to take a second/third call or not. These are voip phones, we can litterally juggle 8 calls or more at a time if we choose. Busy is outdated concept in relationship to being on a call. It more pertains to if you are willing to take any call. Just because the lamp is lit doesnt mean they arent willing to take a second call and put them on hold etc.

I find using iSymphony with its advanced presence state a better indication of whether the user wants to take calls or is away from their desk than a red lamp on a phone :-)

Submitted by hel10z on Tue, 01/14/2014 Permalink

Thanks Frank and Eeman!

As I am new to Thirdlane I will look into using feature codes for DND and will test it with my handset and once I have it under control will inform users... This will be a hard task as we have over 150 users...