We are a serviced office and when clients leave we need to forward the number to whichever number they require for 3 months.
Is there an easy way to do this?
I am on version 6 and way I forward to a new number is on the inbound route, forward to extension and then that extension has a forward to the new number.
But i would like to bypass the extension as I want to re-use it, therefore is there a script or a way in the inbound route for the number to forward...
Hope this is understandable LOL
Submitted by eeman on Thu, 06/19/2014
Submitted by ophirr on Mon, 06/30/2014
I use the script rigroup-all
I use the script rigroup-all 2 in the inbound routh, there I put the number I want to forward to.
its a one line script
exten => s,1,Goto(outgoing-unrestricted${TL_DASH}${tenant},${ARG1},1)
ARG1 is the number you want to forward to... it follows your outbound routes patterns... so dont let the end users put dashes and parenthesis in there or it will go all to hell.