I had multiple parking lots enabled on another server (older thirdlane) and it worked really well. I tried to add this to features.conf on version 7 and no matter what lot I park to, it puts the call in the first available spot on the first lot... 701.
Example, I have a department that uses lot 800. when I transfer a call to 800, call is parked in 701 instead of 801.
Here is my features.conf
parkext => 700 ; What extension to dial to park
parkpos => 701-709 ; What extensions to park calls on. These needs to be
; numeric, as Asterisk starts from the start position
; and increments with one for the next parked call.
context => parkedcalls ; Which context parked calls are in
parkingtime => 180 ; Number of seconds a call can be parked for
; (default is 45 seconds)
transferdigittimeout => 3 ; Number of seconds to wait between digits when transfering a call
courtesytone = beep ; Sound file to play to the parked caller
; when someone dials a parked call
xfersound = beep ; to indicate an attended transfer is complete
xferfailsound = beeperr ; to indicate a failed transfer
;adsipark = yes ; if you want ADSI parking announcements
;findslot => next ; Continue to the 'next' free parking space.
; Defaults to 'first' available
pickupexten = ** ; Configure the pickup extension. Default is *8
featuredigittimeout = 1000 ; Max time (ms) between digits for
; feature activation. Default is 500
blindxfer => ## ; Blind transfer
atxfer => #* ; Attended transfer
disconnect => #0 ; Disconnect
automon => #9 ; One Touch Record
nway-start => *0,caller,Macro,tl-nway-start
nway-inv => *1,self/caller,Macro,tl-nway-ok
nway-noinv => *2,self/caller,Macro,tl-nway-notok
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 710
parkpos => 711-719
findslot => next
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 720
parkpos => 721-729
findslot => next
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 730
parkpos => 731-739
findslot => next
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 740
parkpos => 741-749
findslot => next
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 750
parkpos => 751-759
findslot => next
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 760
parkpos => 761-769
findslot => next
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 770
parkpos => 771-779
findslot => next
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 780
parkpos => 781-789
findslot => next
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 790
parkpos => 791-799
findslot => next
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 180
parkext => 800
parkpos => 801-809
findslot => next
I'd like to know if there are any others interested in multi parking lots?