The "next" button does not work (at all) when you have the "mySQL" option selected to store configuration files in a fresh install. You are forced to choose "text files" to install.
Submitted by pciccone on Tue, 02/24/2015
Submitted by thirdlane on Tue, 02/24/2015
The installer either creates
The installer either creates the database with default settings or assumes that the database exists - hence the problem. we will add more info to the screen to make it clearer
I did not create the DB ahead of time, I thought the wizard does it for you, I am thinking now you have to do it manually. Either way, an error should be presented if that is the case. So it's either a bug that it does not do anything, or a bug that an error is not presented if the username/DB/password is not valid. Not sure which.