I was initially trying to install the demo version from a USB stick.
We wanted to do RAID 10 so we went to the manual option. It didnt work; neither did the RAID 1 default or the single hard drive. The raid options kept getting cdrom:/12_ks_kickstart error and wouldnt recognize the USB as the source. When we canceled and went into the interactive mode, it couldnt load up the USB and couldnt find the install.img
We then created a DVD and inserted it into the sata port on the server via an external CD/DVD drive as the server itself does not have a drive.
The RAIDs failed again. I also got an error stating that
'a problem occurred on line 39 of the kickstart file:
Specified unpartitioned disk sda in partition command'
I then went to install the single drive option and it finished the install but on reboot, it just hangs with a flashing cursor bar and nothing else. only able to ctrl + alt + del to get it to reboot and continue the cycle.
Any help would be appreciated to get thirdlane installed on the server.
If you do a single drive
If you do a single drive install with the proper partitions can you not setup RAID in Linux after the box is online?
I've never tried installing from a USB stick, but it will probably require you to edit your kickstart files to get them correct. For my diskless installations I use bootp on a dhcp server and boot the image over the network.