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Call Center Agent error

Posted by ottcomputing on Fri, 12/02/2016

Hi, We are running MTE and upgraded to very recently. So far things seem to be great. But, when I try to edit an existing tenant, eg. I am updating the External Caller ID Name field, I receive an error.

"Can not update Call Center Agents - limit exceeded"


Server returned error code = -1
Number of Call Center Agents (2) exceeds the maximum number of Call Center Agents allowed by your license (0)

No where within the tenant can I edit the number of call center agents. On the Tenants page it lists the usage for each of our tenants. They all list Agents used 0 Max 2. I can't find where to modify anything related to Agents within the tenant.

We don't have the Call Center version. I am not sure if this has been an issue prior to the upgrade.

Any help would be appreciated.



Submitted by matthewmalk248 on Tue, 12/13/2016 Permalink

Hi Josh, I just posted the same issue before seeing your post. I'm sure this is dangerous and dont hold me responsible if you break everything, but I was able to fix this by running this in mysql on the pbxconf database.. "UPDATE `tenants` SET maxagents = 0" and reboot.

Submitted by thirdlane on Wed, 12/14/2016 Permalink

Hi Josh and all,

I also posted my reply to other post, repeating it here.

It is a bug and will be fixed in the next release, with a patch that will fix the existing installations - release will be very shortly.

If you can't wait, you can fix this in one of the 2 ways, depending on whether you have a call center license or not.

If you do - disable call center and remove agents limits for those tenant where it is not needed - don't run database update.

If you don't, you won't be able to do this via GUI, so i am afraid I have to "authorize" Matthew's suggestion, as an exception :).

Thanks Matthew !

Just please be very careful.