CDR and Queue Logs
CDR and Queue Logs section allows you to configure the destinations where CDR and Queue Log records will be written to (Destinations) and sources for reading them (Sources) for reporting purposes.
Please use the default values unless you are going to separate destinations and reporting sources.
CDR and Queue Logs section is divided into 2 screens/tabs - CDR Settings and Queue Log Settings.
CDR Settings
The CDR Settings screen allows you to specify CDR destinations and connection options as well as to specify where Configuration Manager is going to look for CDR records to display or use for reporting. Note that CDR records will be written to all the enabled destinations.
CDR Destinations
Where to store CDR option controls where Call Detail Records are written:
In CSV option allows you to write Call Detail Records to a text file in CSV format.
In CSV + MySQL option allows you to write Call Detail Records to a both a CSV file and a MySQL database. Storing Call Detail Records in a database allows you to use the same database as a CDR Reporting Source. Alternatively you can store CDR in a text file and use a different database as a CDR Reporting Source. If you choose to do that you will have to load CDR data into CDR Reporting Source database using some external application.
CDR Reporting Source
When displaying records select them from: allows to specify the default for selection of records for display or reporting in CDR and CDR Reports. In smaller Thirdlane installations, CDR would typically be displayed from the same location where CDR is written, but this feature allows you to show the data from a different source (where data could be loaded after some preprocessing).
Note that multiple CDR records are created for each call so CDR processing can be very complex and require additional processing in order to be used for billing purposes.
Queue Log Settings
The Queue Log Settings screen allows you to specify Queue Log destinations and connection options as well as to specify where Configuration Manager is going to look for Call Queue records to display or use for reporting.
Queue Log Destinations
Information about Queue calls (Queue Log) can be stored in a text file or in a database. Storing it in a database allows using the same database as a Queue Log Reporting source. Alternatively you can store Queue Log in a text file (or a database) and use a different database as a Queue Log Reporting Source. If you choose to do that you will have to load Queue Log data into Queue Log Reporting Source database using external applications.
Queue Log Reporting Source
Queue Log Reporting Source determines where Configuration Manager will obtain data for Call Queue statistics, reports and charts. In smaller Thirdlane installations, the Queue Log would typically be displayed from the same location where it is written, but this feature allows you to show the data from a different source (where data could be loaded by an external application, possibly after some preprocessing).