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CDR section allows you to select and view Call Detail Records.


You can specify a selection filter to be applied. You can filter by various fields, including a range of dates, caller id, and source and destination channels.

Thirdlane stores tenant name in “userfield“ database table column and limits queries that users can run to the tenants the users are allowed to manage.

Clicking on >> toolbar button shows additional CDR fields, clicking "Export to CSV" allows you to download the entire CDR in CSV format.

Clicking on "Recording(s)" opens a window where you can listen to the call recording associated with the CDR record.

Running queries against a large CDR creates high load on the server, so we strongly recommend minimizing CDR record retention with "Keep CDR records for" in Tenant or system-wide Preferences where you can also specify "Maximum date range" to limit the date range allowed in records selection in Configuration Manager. We recommend moving any reporting to a different database or a separate server.