Owen C said he fixed this back in 2011 in this post
How exactly did he do that?
Still one problem...
The file is missing the tenant name and date and time stamping in it
should be
I have to add something like: Set(__MONITOR_FILENAME=ParkedCalls-${STRFTIME(,,%F-%H-%M-%S)}-${CALLERID(num)}${TL_DASH}${tenant})
Bu I cannot find where to add this thing.
most likely you would have to
most likely you would have to make a feature code for 701 702 703 etc that has that line before retrieving the parked call.
Manual Recording
What I have there in the set command records automatically I want to record manually.
Is it a different code?
not a different code. but a
not a different code. but a different variable name.. its for one-touch... touch_monitor something.
you have to add
parkedcallrecording => both
But still there are issues